Ensuring a Lifetime of Fish

Fresh off the Gunpowder yesterday I had my talk radio bumping. NPR is one of my few viable options these days considering both my iPod and CD player are broken. On popped a story about GE writing off their $5.1 billion in taxes.

So why doesn’t my health insurance offer co-pay options for when I buy my fly goods? It seems logical enough, prescribed flies, so this marks the beginning of my hunt for a legitimate doctor who swings flies in his spare time — to convince my insurance provider this is legit of course.

If all else fails, I’m sure I could find a way to claim an occupation other than “Student” on my taxes. All to make my fishing habits sound somewhat professional and write off my fly goods as “Tools of the Trade.”

Send us some of your money managing ideas, and we’ll run them by our financing staff…

About joeystel

Everything you need to know about me can be found in the attic.
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